Admin CLI
tsctl is a command-line tool for managing and interacting with a Timesketch instance. It allows users to create and delete sketches, add and remove data sources, manage users and groups, and perform various other tasks.
Its commands can be accessed by running tsctl followed by the desired subcommand. For example, to list all the available sketches in a Timesketch instance, tsctl list-sketches can be run.
The --config
parameter in tsctl is used to specify the location of a configuration file that contains settings for tsctl. This configuration file can specify default values for various tsctl options, such as the hostname
and port
of the Timesketch server, the username
and password
to use when authenticating with the server, and other settings.
--config / -c (optional)
tsctl run -c /etc/timesketch/timesketch.conf
Displays the version of Timesketch installed on the system
tsctl version
Timesketch version: 20210602
Displays various useful version information used on the system Timesketch is installed on.
tsctl info
Timesketch version: 20210602
plaso - psort version 20220930
Node version: v14.20.1
npm version: 6.14.17
yarn version: 1.22.19
Python version: Python 3.10.6
pip version: pip 22.0.2 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip (python 3.10)
User management
Adding users
tsctl provides a subcommand for creating users in a Timesketch instance. This subcommand is called create-user
, and it allows you to specify the username
, password
, and other details for the user you want to create.
To use the create-user
subcommand, you would run tsctl create-user
followed by the desired options and arguments. For example, to create a user with the username "john" and the password "123456", you could run the following command: tsctl create-user --username john --password 123456
Once the user is created, they will be able to log in to the Timesketch instance using their username and password. You can then use the list-users subcommand to verify that the user was created successfully.
tsctl create-user
--name / -n
--password / -p (optional)
tsctl create-user foo
Change user password
To change a user password, the create-user command can be used, as it is checking if the user exists if yes it will update the update.
This command would change the password of the user with the specified username to the new password provided. The user will then be able to log in to the Timesketch instance using their new password.
tsctl create-user
--username / -u
--password / -p (optional)
tsctl create-user foo
Removing users
tsctl provides a subcommand for disabling users in a Timesketch instance. This subcommand is called disable-user
, and it allows you to specify the username or user ID of the user you want to disable.
To use the disable-user
subcommand, you would run tsctl disable-user
followed by the desired options and arguments. For example, to disable a user with the username "john", you could run the following command:
tsctl disable-user john
This command would disable the user with the specified username, preventing them from logging in to the Timesketch instance. However, their user account will still exist in the system, and you can use the enable-user subcommand to re-enable their account at any time.
Disabled users are not removed from the system, but marked as disabled. The current implementation is not complete. Disabled users will still show up for other commands.
tsctl disable_user
tsctl enable_user
tsctl disable_user foo
tsctl enable_user foo
List users
tsctl provides a subcommand for listing the users in a Timesketch instance. This subcommand is called list-users
, and it allows you to view a list of the users in the system, along with their username, user ID, and other details.
To use the list-users
subcommand, you would run tsctl list-users
followed by the desired options and arguments. For example, to list all the users in the Timesketch instance, you could run the following command: tsctl list-users
This command would display a list of the users in the Timesketch instance, along with their username and other details.
tsctl list-users
dev (admin)
Adding --status
will add the status of the user to the output.
tsctl list-users --status
dev (active: True)
admin (active: True)
foobar2 (active: True)
foobar (active: False)
Make admin
tsctl provides a subcommand for granting administrator privileges to a user in a Timesketch instance. This subcommand is called make-admin
, and it allows you to specify the username of the user you want to grant administrator privileges to.
To use the make-admin
subcommand, you would run tsctl make-admin
followed by the desired options and arguments. For example, to grant administrator privileges to a user with the username "john", you could run the following command: tsctl make-admin john
This command would grant the user with the specified username administrator privileges.
Once a user has administrator privileges, they will be able to perform a wider range of tasks in the Timesketch instance. You can use the list-users
subcommand to verify that the user has been granted administrator privileges successfully.
You can use tsctl revoke-admin
to revoke admin privileges.
Revoke admin
tsctl provides a subcommand for revoking administrator privileges from a user in a Timesketch instance. This subcommand is called revoke-admin
, and it allows you to specify the username of the user you want to revoke administrator privileges from.
To use the revoke-admin
subcommand, you would run tsctl revoke-admin
followed by the desired options and arguments. For example, to revoke administrator privileges from a user with the username "john", you could run the following command: tsctl revoke-admin john
This command would revoke the administrator privileges of the user with the specified username.
Once a user's administrator privileges are revoked, they will no longer be able to perform tasks that require administrator privileges in the Timesketch instance. You can use the list-users
subcommand to verify that the user's administrator privileges have been revoked successfully.
Group management
Adding groups
tsctl provides a subcommand for adding groups in a Timesketch instance. This subcommand is called add-group
, and it allows you to specify the name and description of the group you want to add.
To use the add-group
subcommand, you would run tsctl add-group followed by the desired options and arguments. For example, to add a group called "analysts" with the description "Group for analysts", you could run the following command: tsctl add-group --name analysts --description "Group for analysts"
This command would create a new group with the specified name and description. Once the group is created, you can use the list-groups
subcommand to verify that the group was added successfully.
You can also use the add-user-to-group
subcommand to add users to the group you have created. This allows you to manage the members of the group, and control which users have access to the sketches and data sources associated with the group.
tsctl add_group
--name / -n
Removing groups
Not yet implemented.
Managing group membership
List groups
To list groups, use tsctl list-groups
. This can be extended to show the members of a group using tsctl list-groups --showmembershipt
tsctl list-groups --showmembership
Add a suer to a group
tsctl provides a subcommand for adding users to a group in a Timesketch instance. This subcommand is called add-group-member
, and it allows you to specify the username of the user you want to add to the group, as well as the name of the group you want to add the user to.
To use the add-group-member
subcommand, you would run tsctl add-group-member
followed by the desired options and arguments. For example, to add a user with the username "john" to a group called "analysts", you could run the following command: tsctl add-group-member --username john --group-name analysts
This command would add the user with the specified username to the group with the specified name.
Once the user is added to the group, they will be able to access the sketches and data sources associated with the group, based on the permissions granted to the group. You can use the list-groups
subcommand to verify that the user was added to the group successfully.
tsctl add-group-member
tsctl add-group-member --username john --group-name analysts
Removing a group member
tsctl provides a subcommand for removing users from a group in a Timesketch instance. This subcommand is called remove-group-member
, and it allows you to specify the username of the user you want to remove from the group, as well as the name of the group you want to remove the user from.
To use the remove-group-member
subcommand, you would run tsctl remove-group-member
followed by the desired options and arguments. For example, to remove a user with the username "john" from a group called "analysts", you could run the following command: tsctl remove-group-member --username john --group-name analysts
This command would remove the user with the specified username from the group with the specified name.
Once the user is removed from the group, they will no longer be able to access the sketches and data sources associated with the group. You can use the list-groups subcommand to verify that the user was removed from the group successfully.
tsctl remove-group-member
tsctl remove-group-member --username john --group-name analysts
Create a new Timesketch searchindex.
tsctl add_index
--name / -n
--index / -i
--user / -u
tsctl add_index -u user_foo -i test_index_name -n sample
tsctl provides a subcommand for displaying the available API routes in a Timesketch instance. This subcommand is called routes
, and it allows you to view a list of the API routes that are available in the Timesketch instance, along with their URL and description.
To use the routes subcommand, you would run tsctl routes
followed by the desired options and arguments. For example, to list all the available API routes in the Timesketch instance, you could run the following command: tsctl routes
This command would display a list of the available API routes in the Timesketch instance, along with their URL and description.
tsctl routes
Endpoint Methods Rule
--------------------------------- ----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
aggregationexploreresource POST /api/v1/sketches/<int:sketch_id>/aggregation/explore/
tsctl provides a subcommand for managing the database in a Timesketch instance. This subcommand is called db
, and it allows you to perform various operations on the Timesketch database, such as creating the database tables, initializing the database schema, and migrating the database to the latest version.
To use the db
subcommand, you would run tsctl db
followed by the desired options and arguments. For example, to initialize the database schema in the Timesketch instance, you could run the following command:
tsctl db init
tsctl db
tsctl db --help
Usage: tsctl db [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Perform database migrations.
--help Show this message and exit.
branches Show current branch points
current Display the current revision for each database.
downgrade Revert to a previous version
edit Edit a revision file
heads Show current available heads in the script directory
history List changeset scripts in chronological order.
init Creates a new migration repository.
merge Merge two revisions together, creating a new revision file
migrate Autogenerate a new revision file (Alias for 'revision...
revision Create a new revision file.
show Show the revision denoted by the given symbol.
stamp 'stamp' the revision table with the given revision; don't...
upgrade Upgrade to a later version
Upgrade DB After Schema Change
After changing the schema for the database a revision file needs to be generated.
(temporary solution)
Before doing the database migration you'll need to modify the file timesketch/models/
def init_db():
This line needs to be commented out, eg:
def init_db():
Then inside the timesketch container, to generate the file use the command:
cd /usr/local/src/timesketch/timesketch
tsctl db stamp head
tsctl db upgrade
This makes sure that the database is current. Then create a revision file:
tsctl db migrate -m "<message>"
Once the migration is done, remove the comment to re-enable the line in timesketch/models/
Troubleshooting Database Schema Changes
If the migration file is not created, which could be an indication that the schema change is not detected by the automation one can create an empty revision file:
tsctl db revision
And then fill in the blanks, see examples of changes in timesketch/migrations/versions/*
Drop database
Will drop all databases.
tsctl drop_db
Export/Import search templates to/from file.
tsctl search_template
--import / -i
--export / -e
import_location: Path to the yaml file to import templates. export_location: Path to the yaml file to export templates.
Creates a new Timesketch timeline from a file. Supported file formats are: plaso, csv and jsonl.
tsctl import
--file / -f
--sketch_id / -s (optional)
--username / -f (optional)
--timeline_name / -n (optional)
The sketch id is inferred from the filename if it starts with a number. The timeline name can also be generated from the filename if not specified.
tsctl similarity_score
sketch-info Get information about a sketch
Displays various information about a given sketch.
tsctl sketch-info
Sketch 1 Name: (aaa)
searchindex_id index_name created_at user_id description
1 a17732074d8b492e934ef79910bfefa1 2022-10-21 15:06:52.849124 1 20200918_0417_DESKTOP-SDN1RPT
3 88002da782f64061bf3703bc782b6006 2022-10-21 15:19:26.072964 1 all_packets
1 a17732074d8b492e934ef79910bfefa1 2022-10-21 15:28:55.474166 1 E01-DC01_20200918_0347_CDrive
4 11d761cd266640d798e30bb897c8dd4e 2022-10-21 15:32:15.060184 1 autoruns-desktop-sdn1rpt_fresh_import
3 88002da782f64061bf3703bc782b6006 2022-10-31 10:15:12.316273 1 sigma_events
3 88002da782f64061bf3703bc782b6006 2022-10-31 10:15:48.592320 1 sigma_events2
Shared with:
Users: (user_id, username)
3: bar
Sketch Status: new
Sketch is public: True
Sketch Labels: ([],)
id status created_at user_id
1 new 2022-10-21 15:04:59.935504 None
Timeline info
In some cases, logs present a OpenSearch Index id and it is not easy to find out which Sketch that index is related to.
Therefore the following command can be used:
# tsctl searchindex-info --searchindex_id asd
Searchindex: asd not found in database.
# tsctl searchindex-info --searchindex_id 4c5afdf60c6e49499801368b7f238353
Searchindex: 4c5afdf60c6e49499801368b7f238353 Name: sigma_events found in database.
Corresponding Timeline id: 3 in Sketch Id: 2
Corresponding Sketch id: 2 Sketch name: asdasd
Timeline status
The tsctl timeline-status
command allows to get or set a timeline status.
This can be useful in the following scenarios:
Monitoring processing In large-scale investigations, timelines can take a considerable amount of time to process. This feature allows administrators or automated scripts to monitor the processing status of timelines, ensuring that they are progressing as expected.
Automated Status updates: Scripts can be used to automatically update the status of timelines based on the results of automated analysis or processing steps. For example, if an automated script detects a critical error during analysis, it can set the timeline status to "fail."
Toubeshooting and Error handling: ** Quickly identifying timelines with a "fail" status allows investigators to troubleshoot issues and re-process data if necessary. ** By monitoring the status of timelines, administrators can identify potential bottlenecks or errors in the processing pipeline. ** Set the status to
is a task is stuck.
tsctl timeline-status [OPTIONS] TIMELINE_ID
--action [get|set]
Specify whether to get or set the timeline status.
- "get": Retrieves the current status of the timeline.
- "set": Sets the status of the timeline to the value specified by "--status".
--status [ready|processing|fail]
The desired status to set for the timeline.
This option is only valid when "--action" is set to "set".
Valid options are:
- "ready": Indicates that the timeline is ready for analysis.
- "processing": Indicates that the timeline is currently being processed.
- "fail": Indicates that the timeline processing failed.
(Required when --action is set to set)
# Get the status of timeline with ID 123:
tsctl timeline-status --action get 123
# Set the status of timeline with ID 456 to "ready":
tsctl timeline-status --action set --status ready 456
# Set the status of timeline with ID 789 to "fail":
tsctl timeline-status --action set --status fail 789
# Try to set a status without the action set to set.
tsctl timeline-status --status fail 789
# This will fail and display an error message.
The tsctl searchindex-status
command allows to get or set a searchindex status.
tsctl searchindex-status --help
Usage: tsctl searchindex-status [OPTIONS] SEARCHINDEX_ID
Get or set a searchindex status
If "action" is "set", the given value of status will be written in the
Args: action: get or set searchindex status. status: searchindex
status. Only valid choices are ready, processing, fail.
--action [get|set] get or set timeline status.
--status [ready|processing|fail]
get or set timeline status.
--searchindex_id TEXT Searchindex ID to search for e.g.
--help Show this message and exit.
tsctl searchindex-status --action set 1 --status fail
Searchindex 1 status set to fail
To verify run: tsctl searchindex-status 1 --action get
tsctl searchindex-status --action set --status fail 1
Searchindex 1 status set to fail
To verify run: tsctl searchindex-status 1 --action get
tsctl searchindex-status 1 --action get
searchindex_id index_name created_at user_id description status
1 f609b138aa1e4c448ece6c012dcb2bab 2025-03-07 09:23:37.172143 1 # fail
List Sigma rules
Lists all Sigma rules installed on a system
tsctl list-sigma-rules
tsctl list-sigma-rules --columns=rule_uuid,title,status
['8c10509b-9ba5-4387-bf6c-e347931b646f', 'SigmaRuleTemplateTitledddd', 'experimental']
['5266a592-b793-11ea-b3de-0242ac130004', 'Suspicious Installation of Zenmap', 'experimental']
['e5684ad6-5824-4680-9cc5-e8f0babd77bb', 'Foobar', 'experimental']
tsctl list-sigma-rules --columns=rule_uuid,title,status | grep experimental | wc -l
Add Sigma rules in a folder
Will add all Sigma rules in a folder and its subfolders to the database.
tsctl import-sigma-rules sigma/rules/cloud/gcp/
Importing: Google Cloud Kubernetes RoleBinding
Importing: Google Cloud Storage Buckets Modified or Deleted
Importing: Google Cloud VPN Tunnel Modified or Deleted
Importing: Google Cloud Re-identifies Sensitive Information
Export Sigma rules
Will export all Sigma rules to a folder.
tsctl export-sigma-rules ./test
13 Sigma rules exported
Remove a Sigma rule
This will remove a single Sigma rule from the database
tsctl remove-sigma-rule 13f81a90-a69c-4fab-8f07-b5bb55416a9f
Rule 13f81a90-a69c-4fab-8f07-b5bb55416a9f deleted
Drop all Sigma rules
Will drop all Sigma rules from database.
tsctl remove-all-sigma-rules
Do you really want to drop all the Sigma rules? [y/N]: y
Are you REALLLY sure you want to DROP ALL the Sigma rules? [y/N]: y
All rules deleted
tsctl provides a subcommand for starting an interactive Python shell with the Timesketch API client pre-initialized. This subcommand is called shell
, and it allows you to access the Timesketch API and perform various operations using the Python interpreter.
To use the shell
subcommand, you would run tsctl shell
followed by the desired options and arguments. For example, to start an interactive Python shell with the Timesketch API client pre-initialized, you could run the following command: tsctl shell
Context Links Configuration
We can use tsctl
to test the yaml config file for the context link feature.
This is especially useful if an entry that is added to the configuration file
does not show up as a context link in the frontend.
tsctl validate-context-links-conf <PATH TO CONFIG FILE>
The default config can be found at data/context_links.yaml
The output will tell if there is a value not matching the schema requirements:
No error: All entries in the configuration file match the schema requirements.
$ tsctl validate-context-links-conf ./context_links.yaml
=> OK: "virustotal"
=> OK: "unfurl"
=> OK: "mseventid"
=> OK: "urlhaus"
With an error: Here the validator tells us that there is an error with the
replacement pattern in the context_link
$ tsctl validate-context-links-conf ./context_links.yaml
=> ERROR: "virustotal" >> '<ATTR_VALUE' does not match '<ATTR_VALUE>'
Failed validating 'pattern' in schema['properties']['context_link']:
{'pattern': '<ATTR_VALUE>', 'type': 'string'}
On instance['context_link']:
=> OK: "unfurl"
=> OK: "mseventid"
=> OK: "urlhaus"
offers a method called analyzer-stats
to display various information about analyzer runs of the past.
To use the analyzer-stats
subcommand, you would run tsctl analyzer-stats
followed by the desired options and arguments.
tsctl analyzer-stats
tsctl analyzer-stats --help
Usage: tsctl analyzer-stats [OPTIONS] ANALYZER_NAME
Prints analyzer stats.
--timeline_id TEXT Timeline ID if the analyzer results should be
filtered by timeline.
--scope TEXT Scope on: [many_hits, long_runtime, recent]
--result_text_search TEXT Search in result text. E.g. for a specific
--help Show this message and exit.
tsctl analyzer-stats sigma --scope many_hits --result_text_search 71a52
runtime hits result analysis_id created_at
36 0.083333 3657 3657 events tagged for rule [Scheduler] (71a5257c-222f-4898-a117-694d6c63457c) 51 2023-01-03 21:33:14.475700
37 0.083333 3657 3657 events tagged for rule [Scheduler] (71a5257c-222f-4898-a117-694d6c63457c) 52 2023-01-03 21:33:40.477309
39 0.083333 2344 2344 events tagged for rule [Scheduler] (71a5257c-222f-4898-a117-694d6c63457c) 54 2023-01-03 21:33:40.594573
38 0.000000 145 145 events tagged for rule [Scheduler] (71a5257c-222f-4898-a117-694d6c63457c) 55 2023-01-03 21:33:40.626931
47 0.100000 145 145 events tagged for rule [Scheduler] (71a5257c-222f-4898-a117-694d6c63457c) 61 2023-01-04 17:09:04.078641
40 0.000000 0 0 events tagged for rule [Scheduler] (71a5257c-222f-4898-a117-694d6c63457c) 53 2023-01-03 21:33:40.521002
41 0.000000 0 0 events tagged for rule [Scheduler] (71a5257c-222f-4898-a117-694d6c63457c) 56 2023-01-03 21:33:40.658743
42 0.000000 0 0 events tagged for rule [Scheduler] (71a5257c-222f-4898-a117-694d6c63457c) 57 2023-01-03 21:33:40.696942
43 2.800000 0 * Scheduler 71a5257c-222f-4898-a117-694d6c63457c 58 2023-01-04 17:09:03.751176
44 2.816667 0 * Scheduler 71a5257c-222f-4898-a117-694d6c63457c 62 2023-01-04 17:09:04.112822
45 2.833333 0 * Scheduler 71a5257c-222f-4898-a117-694d6c63457c 60 2023-01-04 17:09:04.046003
46 2.833333 0 * Scheduler 71a5257c-222f-4898-a117-694d6c63457c 59 2023-01-04 17:09:04.014973
48 2.750000 0 * Scheduler 71a5257c-222f-4898-a117-694d6c63457c 63 2023-01-04 17:09:04.148185