Frontend development
Frontend (old) development dependencies
When developing the frontend you use the VueJS frontend server. Changes will be picked up automatically
as soon as a .vue
file is saved without having to rebuild the frontend or even refresh your browser.
If you develop a new feature, consider changing to frontent-ng
, the old frontend is likely to be deprecated in 2023.
First we need to get an interactive shell to the container to install the frontend modules:
$ docker compose exec timesketch yarn install --cwd=/usr/local/src/timesketch/timesketch/frontend
$ docker compose exec timesketch yarn run --cwd=/usr/local/src/timesketch/timesketch/frontend build --mode development --watch
Then inside the container shell go to the Timesketch frontend directory.
! cd /usr/local/src/timesketch/timesketch/frontend
Note that this directory in the container is mounted as volume from your local repo and mirrors changes to your local repo.
Install node dependencies
! npm install
This will create node_modules/
folder from package.json
in the frontend directory.
! yarn install
Tweak config file
- In your
docker container, edit/etc/timesketch/timesketch.conf
and setWTF_CSRF_ENABLED = False
Start the VueJS development server
Follow the steps in the previous section to get dependencies installed and the config file tweaked.
You need two shells:
- Start the main webserver (for serving the API etc) in the first shell:
$ CONTAINER_ID="$(docker container list -f name=timesketch-dev -q)"
$ docker exec -it $CONTAINER_ID gunicorn --reload -b --log-file - --timeout 600 -c /usr/local/src/timesketch/data/ timesketch.wsgi:application
- Start the development webserver in the second shell:
$ CONTAINER_ID="$(docker container list -f name=timesketch-dev -q)"
$ docker compose exec timesketch yarn run --cwd=/usr/local/src/timesketch/timesketch/frontend serve
This will spawn a listener on port 5001
. Point your browser to http://localhost:5001/login
, login with your
dev credentials, and you should be redirected to the main Timesketch page. All code changes in .vue
files will
be instantly picked up.
Frontend-ng developement
When developing the frontend-ng
you use the VueJS frontend server. Changes will be picked up automatically
as soon as a .vue
file is saved without having to rebuild the frontend or even refresh your browser.
Install dependencies
Inside the container shell go to the Timesketch frontend-ng directory.
! cd /usr/local/src/timesketch/timesketch/frontend-ng
Note that this directory in the container is mounted as volume from your local repo and mirrors changes to your local repo.
Install node dependencies
! npm install
This will create node_modules/
folder from package.json
in the frontend directory.
! yarn install
Tweak config file
- In your
docker container, edit/etc/timesketch/timesketch.conf
and setWTF_CSRF_ENABLED = False
Start the VueJS development server
You need two shells:
- Start the main webserver (for serving the API etc) in the first shell:
$ CONTAINER_ID="$(docker container list -f name=timesketch-dev -q)"
$ docker exec -it $CONTAINER_ID gunicorn --reload -b --log-file - --timeout 600 -c /usr/local/src/timesketch/data/ timesketch.wsgi:application
- Start the development webserver in the second shell:
$ CONTAINER_ID="$(docker container list -f name=timesketch-dev -q)"
$ docker compose exec timesketch yarn run --cwd=/usr/local/src/timesketch/timesketch/frontend-ng serve
This will spawn a listener on port 5001
. Point your browser to http://localhost:5001/login
, login with your
dev credentials, and you should be redirected to the main Timesketch page. All code changes in .vue
files will
be instantly picked up.
If you already have a yarn process running with the "old" frontend, it might not work.