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Context Links

The context link feature allows for linking of specific event attributes and values to external lookup services or specific hardcoded enhancement modules, for an easy analyst workflow.



How-To configure

Per default, all context link configurations are defined in the context_links.yaml file. In case you want to provide your own config file, you can define this in the timesketch.conf by changing the CONTEXT_LINKS_CONFIG_PATH variable.

Note For external lookups, context links currently just supports services that allow URL parameters for the lookup terms.

Configuration fields

There are two types of context links hardcoded_modules and linked_services.


Hardcoded modules are context links that are directly implemented into Timesketch. For those hardcoded modules, the configuration only allows to activate/deactivate each module and to define on which attribute field the the module should trigger.

A hardcoded module config entry supports the following fields:

#   module_name:
#       match_fields:       Type: list[str] | List of field keys where
#                           this context link should be available. Will
#                           be checked as case insensitive!
#       validation_regex:   Type: str | OPTIONAL
#                           A regex pattern that needs to be
#                           matched by the field value to to make the
#                           context link available. This can be used to
#                           validate the format of a value (e.g. a hash).

Currently supported and active by default are: * xml_formatter * This module triggers a dialog that will display prettyfied XML values. * unfurl_graph * This module will open a dialog that parses an input URL using unfurl-dfir and displays the resulting URL graph. * All parsing is done locally on the Timesketch server. No external lookups that unfurl provides are enabled.


Each context link consists of the following fields:


  short_name:       Type: str | The name for the context link.
                    Will be displayed in the context link submenu.

  match_fields:     Type: list[str] | List of field keys where
                    this context link should be available. Will
                    be checked as case insensitive!

  validation_regex: Type: str | OPTIONAL
                    A regex pattern that needs to be
                    matched by the field value to to make the
                    context link available. This can be used to
                    validate the format of a value (e.g. a hash).

  context_link:     Type: str | The link that will be opened in a
                    new tab when the context link is clicked.
                    IMPORTANT: Add the placeholder "<ATTR_VALUE>"
                    where the attribute value should be inserted
                    into the link.

  redirect_warning: [TRUE]: If the context link is clicked it will
                            open a pop-up dialog first that asks the
                            user if they would like to proceed to
                            the linked page. (Recommended for
                            external pages.)
                    [FALSE]: The linked page will be opened without
                             any pop-up. (Recommended for internal

Test configuration

If we want to test our configuration we can use the tsctl validate-context-links-conf > here.

Example entries

Below you can find a list of example entries for popular public lookup services.

NOTE: Before running those examples in your environment, verify that the match_fields and validation_regex work with your data! If you add a field to one of the examples that contain a regex, you need to extend this as well.


  short_name: 'VirusTotal'
  match_fields: ['hash', 'sha256_hash', 'sha256', 'sha1_hash', 'sha1', 'md5_hash', 'md5', 'url']
  context_link: '<ATTR_VALUE>'
  redirect_warning: TRUE

Microsoft Event ID lookup

Via the MS Threat Protection documentation:

  short_name: 'MS-TP eventID'
  match_fields: ['event_identifier', 'message_identifier']
  context_link: '<ATTR_VALUE>'
  redirect_warning: TRUE

Via Ultimate Windows Security:

  short_name: 'UWS eventID'
  match_fields: ['event_identifier', 'message_identifier']
  context_link: '<ATTR_VALUE>'
  redirect_warning: TRUE

  short_name: ''
  match_fields: ['url', 'uri']
  validation_regex: '/((([A-Za-z]{3,9}:(?:\/\/)?)(?:[\-;:&=\+\$,\w]+@)?[A-Za-z0-9\.\-]+|(?:www\.|[\-;:&=\+\$,\w]+@)[A-Za-z0-9\.\-]+)((?:\/[\+~%\/\.\w\-_]*)?\??(?:[\-\+=&;%@\.\w_]*)#?(?:[\.\!\/\\\w]*))?)/i'
  context_link: '<ATTR_VALUE>'
  redirect_warning: TRUE URLhaus

  short_name: 'URLhaus'
  match_fields: ['hash', 'sha256_hash', 'sha256', 'sha1_hash', 'sha1', 'md5_hash', 'md5', 'url']
  context_link: '<ATTR_VALUE>'
  redirect_warning: TRUE

AlienVault OTX

  short_name: 'alienvault OTX'
  match_fields: ['hash', 'sha256_hash', 'sha256', 'sha1_hash', 'sha1', 'md5_hash', 'md5', 'url', 'domain', 'ipv4']
  context_link: '<ATTR_VALUE>'
  redirect_warning: TRUE