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Command line client

Timesketch has a command line client (CLI) that is meant to be used to access the system from the terminal. It has many of the feature that the Web interface have including:

  • Searching
  • Filtering
  • Upload timelines
  • Running analyzers
  • Output in CSV, Table or plain text format


The CLI client is available as a package on PyPi. To install, simply:

pip3 install timesketch-cli-client

Basic usage

The command line program is called timesketch. To see the help menu you can invoke without ay parameters alternatively issue timesketch --help.

$ timesketch
Usage: timesketch [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Timesketch CLI client.

  This tool provides similar features as the web client does. It operates
  within the context of a sketch so you either need to provide an existing
  sketch or create a new one.

  Basic options for editing the sketch is provided, e.g re-naming and changing
  the description as well as archiving and exporting. For other actions not
  available in this CLI client the web client should be used.

  For detailed help on each command, run  <command> --help

  --version         Show the version and exit.
  --sketch INTEGER  Sketch to work in.
  --output-format TEXT  Set output format [json, text, tabular, csv]
                        (overrides global setting).
  -h, --help        Show this message and exit.

  analyze         Analyze timelines.
  config          Configuration for this CLI tool.
  events          Manage events
  import          Import timeline.
  saved-searches  Managed saved searches.
  search          Search and explore.
  sketch          Manage sketch.
  timelines       Manage timelines.


Default sketch

The program need to know what sketch you are working in. You can either specify it with the --sketch flag on all invocations, or you can configure it globally:

timesketch config set sketch <ID of your sketch>

From now on, every invocation of the command will use the sketch you configured.

Output format

You can set the default output format. Choose between CSV, Tabular and Plain text output.


timesketch config set output csv

The output format can also be set in CLI with the following flag:

timesketch --output-format text [YOURCOMMAND]

The main functionality is of course the ability to search your timelines. The search subcommand has the following features:

$ timesketch search --help
Usage: timesketch search [OPTIONS]

  Search and explore.

  -q, --query TEXT        Search query in OpenSearch query string format
  --time TEXT             Datetime filter (e.g. 2020-01-01T12:00)
  --time-range TEXT...    Datetime range filter (e.g: 2020-01-01 2020-02-01)
  --label TEXT            Filter events with label
  --header / --no-header  Toggle header information (default is to show)
  --return-fields TEXT    What event fields to show
  --order TEXT            Order the output (asc/desc) based on the time field
  --limit INTEGER         Limit amount of events to show (default: 40)
  --saved-search INTEGER  Query and filter from saved search
  --describe              Show the query and filter then exit
  -h, --help              Show this message and exit.

timesketch -q "foobar"

Time filter

timesketch search -q "foobar" --time-range 2022-01-01 2022-01-02

Pipe the output to other unix programs

This example returns the field name domain and then do a simple sort and uniq.

timesketch search -q "foobar" --return-fields domain | sort | uniq


List all sketches

To list all sketches you have access to:

timesketch --output-format text sketch list
 id   name
  2 asdasd
  1   aaaa

You can also get a list as JSON if you like to:

timesketch --output-format json sketch list

Get description for one sketch

Getting information about a sketch can be helpful in various situations.

timesketch --output-format text sketch describe
Name: asdasd
Description: None
Status: new

You can also get all stored information about a sketch with running:

timesketch --output-format json sketch describe

This will give you something like:

timesketch --output-format json sketch describe
    "_archived": null,
    "_sketch_name": "asdasd",
    "api": "<timesketch_api_client.client.TimesketchApi object at 0x7f3375d466e0>",
    "id": 2,
    "resource_data": {
        "meta": {
            "aggregators": {

Get attributes

Attributes can be to long to show in sketch describe which is why there is a separate command for it:

timesketch sketch attributes

Will give back something like this:

timesketch --output-format text sketch attributes
Name: intelligence: Ontology: intelligence Value: {'data': [{'externalURI': '', 'ioc': '', 'tags': ['foo'], 'type': 'ipv4'}, {'externalURI': '', 'ioc': '', 'tags': ['aaaa'], 'type': 'ipv4'}]}
Name: ticket_id: Ontology: 12345 Value: text
Name: ticket_id2: Ontology: 12345 Value: text
Name: ticket_id3: Ontology: 12345 Value: text

Or as JSON

timesketch --output-format json sketch attributes
    "intelligence": {
        "ontology": "intelligence",
        "value": {
            "data": [
                    "externalURI": "",
                    "ioc": "",
                    "tags": [
                    "type": "ipv4"
                    "externalURI": "",
                    "ioc": "",
                    "tags": [
                    "type": "ipv4"
    "ticket_id": {
        "ontology": "12345",
        "value": "text"
    "ticket_id2": {
        "ontology": "12345",
        "value": "text"
    "ticket_id3": {
        "ontology": "12345",
        "value": "text"

Add a attribute

To add an attribute to a sketch

timesketch sketch add_attribute

For example:

timesketch sketch add_attribute --name ticket_id3 --ontology text --value 12345
Attribute added:
Name: ticket_id3
Ontology: text
Value: 12345

To verify, run timesketch sketch attributes.

Remove an attribute

To remove an attribute from a sketch

timesketch sketch remove_attribute

Archive Sketch

Running sketch archive will set the archive flag to the sketch.

Unarchive a sketch

Running sketch unarchive will set the archive flag to the sketch.

Export a sketch

Running sketch export will export the complete Sketch to a file.


Intelligence is always sketch specific. The same can be achieved using timesketch attributes command, but then the ontology type and data needs to be provided in the correct format.

Running timesketch intelligence list will show the intelligence added to a sketch (if sketch id is set in the config file)

The putput format can also be changed as follows

timesketch --sketch 2 --output-format text intelligence list --columns ioc,externalURI,tags,type
ioc externalURI tags    type  foo ipv4   aaaa    ipv4

Or as CSV

timesketch --sketch 2 --output-format csv intelligence list --columns ioc,externalURI,tags,type

Adding Intelligence

Adding an indicator works as following

timesketch --sketch 2 intelligence add --ioc --type ipv4 --tags foo,bar,ext

Removing all of Intelligence

To remove all intelligence indicators, run:

timesketch --sketch 2 --output-format text sketch attributes remove --name intelligence --ontology intelligence
Attribute removed: Name: intelligence Ontology: intelligence

Run analyzers



List all available analyzers:

timesketch analyze list

To get information about analyzers available in the Timesketch instance the command timesketch analyze list can be used. If no sketch is defined in the config yet, it can also be passed as an argument, e.g.:

timesketch --output-format tabular --sketch 1 analyze list 
Name    Display Name    Is Multi
login   Windows logon/logoff events False
ntfs_timestomp  NTFS timestomp detection    False
chain   Chain linked events False
tagger  Tagger  True
ssh_sessionizer SSH sessions    False
sigma   Sigma   False
ssh_bruteforce_sessionizer  SSH bruteforce  False
evtx_gap    EVTX gap    False
hashr_lookup    hashR lookup    False
domain  Domain  False
web_activity_sessionizer    Web activity sessions   False
similarity_scorer   Similarity Scorer   False
sessionizer Time based sessions False
safebrowsing    Google Safe Browsing    False
gcp_servicekey  Google Compute Engine actions   False
win_crash   Windows application crashes False
browser_timeframe   Browser timeframe   False
gcp_logging Google Cloud Logging Analyzer   False
misp_analyzer   MISP    False
hashlookup_analyzer Hashlookup  False
feature_extraction  Feature extractor   True
geo_ip_maxmind_db   Geolocate IP addresses (MaxMind Database based) False
sshbruteforceanalyzer   SSH Brute Force Analyzer    False
phishy_domains  Phishy domains  False
geo_ip_maxmind_web  Geolocate IP addresses (MaxMind Web client based)   False
yetiindicators  Yeti threat intel indicators    False
account_finder  Account finder  False
browser_search  Browser search terms    False
windowsbruteforceanalyser   Windows Login Brute Force Analyzer  False


Run a specific analyzer. In this example the domain analyzer on timeline 1:

timesketch analyze --analyzer domain --timeline 1
Running analyzer [domain] on [timeline 1]:
[domain] = 217 domains discovered (150 TLDs) and 1 known CDN networks found.

List analyzer results

It might be useful to see the results of an analyzer for a specific timeline. That can be done with timesketch analyzer results.

It can show only the analyzer results directly:

timesketch --output-format text analyze results --analyzer account_finder --timeline 3
Results for analyzer [account_finder] on [sigma_events]:
SUCCESS - NOTE - Account finder was unable to extract any accounts.

Some analyzers might start dependent analyzers, to also show those results use the flag --show-dependent. This will look similar to:

timesketch --output-format text analyze results --analyzer account_finder --timeline 3 --show-dependent
Results for analyzer [account_finder] on [sigma_events]:
Dependent: DONE - None - Feature extraction [gmail_accounts] extracted 0 features.
Dependent: DONE - None - Feature extraction [github_accounts] extracted 0 features.
Dependent: DONE - None - Feature extraction [linkedin_accounts] extracted 0 features.
Dependent: DONE - None - Feature extraction [rdp_ts_ipv4_addresses] extracted 0 features.
Dependent: DONE - None - Feature extraction [ssh_client_ipv4_addresses] extracted 0 features.
Dependent: DONE - None - Feature extraction [ssh_client_ipv4_addresses_2] extracted 0 features.
Dependent: DONE - None - Feature extraction [ssh_host_ipv4_addresses] extracted 0 features.
Dependent: DONE - None - Feature extraction [ssh_client_password_ipv4_addresses] extracted 0 features.
Dependent: DONE - None - Feature extraction [ssh_disconnected_username] extracted 0 features.
Dependent: DONE - None - Feature extraction [ssh_disconnected_ip_address] extracted 0 features.
Dependent: DONE - None - Feature extraction [ssh_disconnected_port] extracted 0 features.
Dependent: DONE - None - Feature extraction [ssh_failed_ip_address] extracted 0 features.
Dependent: DONE - None - Feature extraction [ssh_failed_port] extracted 0 features.
Dependent: DONE - None - Feature extraction [ssh_failed_method] extracted 0 features.
Dependent: DONE - None - Feature extraction [win_login_subject_username] extracted 0 features.
Dependent: DONE - None - Feature extraction [email_addresses] extracted 0 features.
Dependent: DONE - None - Feature extraction [win_login_domain] extracted 0 features.
Dependent: DONE - None - Feature extraction [win_login_logon_id] extracted 0 features.
Dependent: DONE - None - Feature extraction [win_login_logon_type] extracted 0 features.
Dependent: DONE - None - Feature extraction [win_login_logon_process_name] extracted 0 features.
Dependent: DONE - None - Feature extraction [win_login_workstation_name] extracted 0 features.
Dependent: DONE - None - Feature extraction [win_login_process_id] extracted 0 features.
Dependent: DONE - None - Feature extraction [win_login_process_name] extracted 0 features.
Dependent: DONE - None - Feature extraction [win_login_ip_address] extracted 0 features.
Dependent: DONE - None - Feature extraction [win_login_port] extracted 0 features.
SUCCESS - NOTE - Account finder was unable to extract any accounts.
Dependent: DONE - None - Feature extraction [rdp_rds_ipv4_addresses] extracted 0 features.
Dependent: DONE - None - Feature extraction [ssh_failed_username] extracted 0 features.
Dependent: DONE - None - Feature extraction [win_login_subject_domain] extracted 0 features.
Dependent: DONE - None - Feature extraction [win_login_subject_logon_id] extracted 0 features.
Dependent: DONE - None - Feature extraction [win_login_username] extracted 0 features.

To get a result in json that can be piped into other CLI tools run something like:

timesketch --output-format json analyze results --analyzer account_finder --timeline 3 --show-dependent
        "analyzer": "feature_extraction",
        "index": "<timesketch_api_client.index.SearchIndex object at 0x7ff9079a7a60>",
        "results": "Feature extraction [gmail_accounts] extracted 0 features.",
        "session_id": 1,
        "status": "DONE",
        "timeline_id": 3
        "analyzer": "feature_extraction",
        "index": "<timesketch_api_client.index.SearchIndex object at 0x7ff9079a7910>",
        "results": "Feature extraction [github_accounts] extracted 0 features.",
        "session_id": 1,
        "status": "DONE",
        "timeline_id": 3


Add manual events

This feature allows users to add events to their Timesketch account using the events add command. The command takes three arguments: message, date, timestamp-desc and an optional field for attributes. The message is a short description of the event, the date is the date and time the event occurred, and the attributes are a list of key-value pairs that will be associated with the event.

timestamp_desc is a field that is used to describe the timestamp of an event. This field can be helpful for providing context about the event, such as the type of event or the source of the data.

For example, you could use the timestamp_desc field to specify that an event is a "Windows Sysmon event" or a "Netflow event." This information can be helpful for quickly identifying and understanding the events in a timeline.

For example, the following command would add an event to the Timesketch timesketch events add --message "foobar-message" --date 2023-03-04T11:31:12 --timestamp-desc "test" --attributes key=value,key2=value2:

This new feature makes it easy to add events to Timesketch from the command line, which can be helpful for automating tasks or for quickly adding events when you don't have access to the Timesketch web interface.

It can also be called with a output format json like following.

timesketch --output-format json events add --message "foobar-message" --date 2023-03-04T11:31:12 --timestamp-desc "test" 
{'meta': {}, 'objects': [{'color': 'F37991', 'created_at': '2023-03-08T12:46:24.472587', 'datasources': [], 'deleted': None, 'description': 'internal timeline for user-created events', 'id': 19, 'label_string': '', 'name': 'Manual events', 'searchindex': {'created_at': '2023-03-08T12:46:24.047640', 'deleted': None, 'description': 'internal timeline for user-created events', 'id': 9, 'index_name': '49a318b0ba17867fd71b50903774a0c8', 'label_string': '', 'name': 'Manual events', 'status': [{'created_at': '2023-03-17T09:35:03.202520', 'id': 87, 'status': 'ready', 'updated_at': '2023-03-17T09:35:03.202520'}], 'updated_at': '2023-03-08T12:46:24.047640', 'user': {'active': True, 'admin': True, 'groups': [], 'username': 'dev'}}, 'status': [{'created_at': '2023-03-17T09:35:03.233973', 'id': 79, 'status': 'ready', 'updated_at': '2023-03-17T09:35:03.233973'}], 'updated_at': '2023-03-08T12:46:24.472587', 'user': {'active': True, 'admin': True, 'groups': [], 'username': 'dev'}}]}
Event added to sketch: timefocus test

Remove tag(s)

The command events remove_tag takes a list of tags as its argument and removes those tags from the event. For example, the following command would remove the tags "suspicious" and "foobar333" from the event with the ID "k8P1MYcBkeTGnypeeKJL".

timesketch events remove_tag --timeline-id 4 --event-id k8P1MYcBkeTGnypeeKJL --tag foobar333

If called without --tag parameter, the client will show the current event details to make it easier to find the ones to remove.

It is also possible to provide a comma separated list of tags to remove. The following command will remove both tags foobar333and fooba123.

timesketch events remove_tag --timeline-id 4 --event-id k8P1MYcBkeTGnypeeKJL --tag foobar333,fooba123


List timelines

To list all timelines in a given sketch use: timelines list.

timesketch --sketch 1 timelines list
1 foobar
2 foobar3

It is also possible to get all the output as JSON.

Describe a timeline

The command timelines describe will provide several variables, names and settings for a given timeline.

timesketch --sketch 1 --output-format text timelines describe 2
Name: foobar3
Index: 41dde394812d44c1ac1784997d05efed
Status: ready
Event count: 260454
Name: foobar3
Created: 2024-08-20T14:57:59.047015
    Original filename: win7-x86.plaso
    File on disk: /tmp/4c3c1c5c351b4db285453bff0ecad51e

Rename timeline

To rename a single timeline in a sketch, the command timelines rename can be used.

timesketch --sketch 1 timelines rename 1 foobar23

Delete a timeline

The cli client is using the API to delete a timeline.

As of August 2024, the API method to delete a timeline does only mark the reference in the database as deleted, the data will remain in Opensearch.

timesketch --sketch 1 timelines delete 1
Confirm to mark the timeline deleted:: 1 foobar23? [y/N]: y

Change timeline color

The color is an important setting for a timeline when using the WebUI. To change the color using the CLI timelines color can be used.


timesketch --sketch 1 --output-format text timelines describe 2
Name: foobar3
Index: 41dde394812d44c1ac1784997d05efed
Status: ready
Event count: 260454
Name: foobar3
Created: 2024-08-20T14:57:59.047015
    Original filename: win7-x86.plaso
    File on disk: /tmp/4c3c1c5c351b4db285453bff0ecad51e

Using it:

timesketch --sketch 1 timelines color 2 BBBBBB


timesketch --sketch 1 --output-format text timelines describe 2
Name: foobar3
Index: 41dde394812d44c1ac1784997d05efed
Status: ready
Event count: 260454
Name: foobar3
Created: 2024-08-20T14:57:59.047015
    Original filename: win7-x86.plaso
    File on disk: /tmp/4c3c1c5c351b4db285453bff0ecad51e